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Italia abrirá centros de recepción y repatriación para enfrentar la crisis migratoria

Aquellos sin documentos podrán quedarse 18 meses antes de se enviados de regreso a sus países.

Los migrantes esperan a bordo de un barco de la marina antes de ser desembarcados en el puerto italiano. Crédito: REUTERS.

Mirá tambiénLa masiva llegada de migrantes agudizó la crisis humanitaria en Lampedusa
Migrants rest after being rescued by the Spanish Coast Guard on the Chafarinas Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, and later taken by boat to the Spanish North African enclave of Melilla, December 28, 2019. REUTERS/Jesus Blasco de AvellanedaMigrantes rescatados por la Guardia Costera en el Mar Mediterráneo. Crédito: REUTERS.
melilla inmigrantes tratan de cruzar hacia melilla saltando la reja alambrado de separacion 

African migrants sit atop a border fence, as Spanish Civil Guard officers in riot gear climb up to force them to climb down during an attempt to cross into Spanish territories, between Morocco and Spain's north African enclave of Melilla October 22, 2014. Around 400 migrants attempted to cross the border into Spain, according to local media.  REUTERS/Jesus Blasco de Avellaneda  (SPAIN - Tags: SOCIETY IMMIGRATION)
A member of the Spanish Guardia Civil climbs as would-be immigrants stand atop a boarder fence separating Morocco from the north African Spanish enclave of Melilla on October 22, 2014, following a morning assault on the boarder in an attempt to cross into Spain. The flow of migrants scrambling to reach Spain's north African territory Melilla is at double the rate of last year, an official said on October 21 as he defended police after a video showed abuse by border guards. The head of the Spanish government delegation in the territory, Abdelmalik El Barkani, said the number of attempts by desperate migrants to scale the seven-metre (23-foot), triple-layer fence separating Melilla from Morocco has surged in 2014.    AFP PHOTO/ BLASCO AVELLANEDA melilla  melilla inmigrantes tratan de cruzar hacia melilla saltando la reja de separacion inmigracion ilegal inmigrantes ilegalesMigrantes africanos se sientan en lo alto de una valla fronteriza. Crédito: REUTERS.

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