Guerra en Medio Oriente

Israel anunció que descubrió "el mayor túnel" subterráneo de Hamas en Gaza

El ducto -cuya construcción costó varios millones de dólares- está equipado con sistemas de canalización, electricidad, alcantarillado, de ventilación y rieles, y en su interior se hallaron armas.

Fotos: Reuters

Israeli soldiers walk through what Israel's military says is an iron-girded tunnel designed by Hamas to disgorge carloads of Palestinian fighters for a surprise storming of the border, amid the Israeli army's ongoing ground operation against Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, close to Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip, December 15, 2023. REUTERS/Amir Cohen     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAYFotos: Reuters
Israeli soldiers operate near the opening to what Israel's military says is an iron-girded tunnel designed by Hamas to disgorge carloads of Palestinian fighters for a surprise storming of the border, amid the Israeli army's ongoing ground operation against Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, close to Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip, December 15, 2023. REUTERS/Amir Cohen     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAYFotos: Reuters
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