Acusado de fraude

Nueva York: la síntesis de la primera jornada del juicio a Donald Trump

Inició el juicio civil al empresario y expresidente de Estados Unidos, quien ya desafió al juez y fiscal, convirtiendo la corte en una extensión de su campaña y discutiendo con los abogados desde el principio. Todos los detalles de un proceso que “será largo”.

Donald Trump sale del tribunal de Manhattan después de asistir al primer día del juicio. Foto: Reuters

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Former U.S. President Donald Trump holds papers at a Manhattan courthouse, where he attends the trial of himself, his adult sons, the Trump Organization and others in a civil fraud case brought by state Attorney General Letitia James, in New York City, U.S., October 2, 2023. REUTERS/Brendan McDermidFotos: Reuters
New York Attorney General Letitia James walks outside the courtroom on the day former U.S. President Donald Trump attends the trial of himself, his adult sons, the Trump Organization and others in a civil fraud case brought by her, at a Manhattan courthouse, in New York City, U.S., October 2, 2023. REUTERS/Brendan McDermidLetitia James. Fotos: Reuters
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Former U.S. President Donald Trump listens to opening arguments from his lawyer Alina Habba (not seen), during the trial of Trump, his adult sons, the Trump Organization and others in a civil fraud case brought by state Attorney General Letitia James, at a Manhattan courthouse, in New York City, U.S., October 2, 2023 in this courtroom sketch. REUTERS/Jane RosenbergEscena retratada por el dibujante oficial de la Corte. Fotos: Reuters
Former U.S. President Donald Trump leaves a Manhattan courthouse after attending the first day of the trial of himself, his adult sons, the Trump Organization and others in a civil fraud case brought by state Attorney General Letitia James, in New York City, U.S., October 2, 2023. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton REFILE - QUALITY REPEATFotos: Reuters

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