Entre jueves y viernes

Llegan a Santa Fe 87.200 vacunas de AstraZeneca

Agencias A view shows doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine on February 11, 2021 at the start of a vaccination campaign at a hub for Covid-19 vaccinations located in Rome's Fiumicino airport long-term parking area. - The 1,500-sqm hub is Italy's first major national covid-19 vaccination centre to open at an airport, with the capacity to administer 3,000 vaccines per day. The initiative is being driven by the management company, Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), in collaboration with the Lazio Region, Rome's Spallanzani Institute and the Italian Red Cross. (Photo by Tiziana FABI / AFP)

Tenés que leerLlegaron más vacunas Sinopharm contra el Covid-19 a la Argentina